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My clinical terms and conditions

The information below sets out:


  1. The professional and ethical basis for psychotherapy offered;

  2. The therapeutic contract and arrangements for therapy;

  3. Cancellations policy

  4. Cost of sessions and payment arrangements;

  5. Termination of therapy;

  6. Emergency contact outside of therapy.


It is important that you read and sign this document before therapy begins.


It is also important that you read my Privacy Statement.  This is a separate but essential document, which you must also sign before therapy can begin.


Professional and ethical basis for psychotherapy offered


I am a qualified professional individual, couple and psychosexual therapist.  I am a registered member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT).  The therapy I provide is offered in accordance with the Ethical Frameworks/Codes of COSRT.  


The provision of therapy is governed by English Law irrespective of: 


  1. whether the therapy is delivered face to face, via on-line video software or phone; and

  2. the geographic location of either myself or the client when therapy is provided.


The therapeutic contract and arrangements for therapy


​When therapy commences, both you and I are responsible for honouring the agreements contained in this therapeutic contract. 


We will agree how regularly we have sessions.  It is my usual practice to offer weekly therapy, at the same or at a similar time each week, as far as practicable.  This consistency and regularity of therapy is an important aspect of the therapy process. I recognize that for some people, for example those working shifts, this may be problematic and so I will try to be accommodating.


Each therapy session will last 60 minutes.


I would be grateful if you would attend all scheduled appointments on time and are prepared to discuss any issues you want to focus on. 


It may be that you are unavoidably delayed, and your session starts late.  If this happens, I would be grateful if you could try to let me know.  Please be aware that if your session starts late, it is likely that it will have to end 60 minutes after the pre-arranged start time. 


Sessions will be stopped by me if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  You will still be liable to pay for the session.


I will also stop sessions if I have concerns that you are distracted or in an unsafe situation, for example, driving.  If this occurs, you will still be liable to pay for the session.


For all on-line video-cam or phone sessions, you are responsible for ensuring that you are in a safe, private and confidential space so that your session cannot be overheard. 


I ask that mobile phones are silent or switched off during the session so the flow is not interrupted.


In order to work effectively and safely, it is absolutely forbidden to video or audio record any part of any session, in any form or format.


If you are seen as a couple, I would normally expect that information can be shared between you.  It is usually best if both partners attend and are present throughout the therapy session.  However, there may be occasions when this is not possible, for example, due to illness.  If only one member of the couple is present for a session, I would normally expect that the matters then discussed can be shared with both members of the couple. 


Contact between sessions will be restricted to brief emails, text messages, or phone calls.  I will always keep any messages I send you brief.  


At certain times, and depending on the therapy offered, I may share psychosexual education material with you, some of which may be sexually explicit. Before I share this, I will gain your consent.


For most clients, all therapy will be offered via on-line video software.  I do offer a limited number of face to face therapy sessions. Clients seen face to face may also have on-line web cam or phone session.  Therefore all clients are asked to agree to the terms under which on-line video software or phone therapy is offered.


On-line webcam therapy is provided via a Zoom platform which is a secure, confidential and reliable video software platform.  However, I am unable to guarantee complete confidentiality for video-software based sessions under all circumstances if, for example, monitoring or intrusion by state agencies or by computer service providers occurs.  


Clients are also responsible for ensuring their on-line security for video software and mobile phone sessions by, for example, using only private secured networks, and ensuring that their phones and computers are checked regularly for spyware, viruses or applications that may impact their on-line security.  In this regard further information on on-line security can be found on the Information Commissioners Office Website at http;// 


It may be that during your therapy, or after completion of therapy, we meet accidentally, for example in a shop or transport hub.  In order to protect your confidentiality and our professional relationship, I may smile, but otherwise I will not acknowledge you unless you initiate contact. 


Cancellations policy


As the therapy sessions are reserved for you at a specific date and time of day, I will charge in full if you cancel a session with less than 72 working hours notice, or if you miss a session. Should you need to cancel a session, I would be grateful if you could provide as much notice as possible.  


Should I need to cancel a session I will provide as much notice as possible.  You will not be charged if I cancel the session.  Details of any holiday I take will be provided several weeks in advance.


Cost of sessions and payment arrangements


​Therapy sessions, including the initial consultation, last 60 minutes and are charged at between £80 and £100 depending on whether they are individual or couple sessions.  Fees are reviewed in January each year.  The rates are as follows:


  1. All day-time individual psychotherapy and psychosexual therapy sessions cost £80; 

  2. All day-time couple psychotherapy and psychosexual therapy sessions cost £100.  This charge is applied if only one person in the couple attends the session. 


Payment should be made within 48 hours of the end of each session.  I am happy to provide bank details for you to pay by bank transfer.  I would be grateful if you could use your surname as a reference if paying electronically.   I would appreciate payment being made on time.  Paying on time helps us to avoid spending time in the session on finances, which means we can focus time on the reasons you have come to see me.


Termination of therapy


 I reserve the right to terminate therapy at my discretion, for reasons including, but not limited to, late fee payment, non-compliance with therapeutic recommendations, conflict of interest, failure or inability to participate effectively in the therapy, or your needs being outside of my scope of practice or competence.  If I do terminate the sessions for whatever reason, I will attempt to ensure a smooth transition to another therapist by offering either specific or more general referrals to you.


Emergency contact outside of therapy


In the case of a clinical emergency, such as you wanting to hurt yourself, another person, or other urgent mental or physical health concerns, clients are asked to contact medical emergency services by calling 999, or the Samaritans on 116 123 (UK only).  Clients who experience severe distress should also contact or speak to their GP.

In the forest

Contact me

I'm always happy to connect. I’ll try to respond within 48 hours and I’ll always try to help. 

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